Does Pontoon Boats Have Bathrooms [Answered]

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Do pontoon boats have bathrooms

Pontoon boats are a popular choice for recreational boating, but they don’t typically have bathrooms. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. Some larger pontoon boats may have a small bathroom, while others may have a portable toilet that can be stored in a storage compartment.

If you’re considering buying a pontoon boat, it’s important to decide whether or not you need a bathroom. If you do, you’ll need to make sure that the boat you choose has one.

So Does Pontoon Boats Have Bathrooms?

While most pontoon boats do not have bathrooms, some models do offer an optional head compartment. These compartments are typically small and cramped, but they can provide a convenient way to use the bathroom on the water.

Whether or not a pontoon boat has a bathroom is a personal preference. If you plan on spending extended periods of time on the water, a bathroom can be a valuable asset. However, if you only plan on using your pontoon boat for short trips, a bathroom may not be necessary.

Do Pontoon Boats Have Bathrooms?

The Short Answer

Most pontoon boats do not have bathrooms. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. Some larger pontoon boats, such as those that are used for overnight or extended trips, may have a small bathroom or head.

Why Don’t Most Pontoon Boats Have Bathrooms?

There are a few reasons why most pontoon boats do not have bathrooms.


Bathrooms add weight to a boat, which can reduce its performance. Pontoon boats are typically designed for speed and maneuverability, so adding a bathroom can take away from these qualities.


Bathrooms take up space on a boat, which can reduce the amount of available deck space. Pontoon boats are typically used for entertaining and relaxing, so having plenty of deck space is important.


Bathrooms can be expensive to install and maintain. Pontoon boats are typically relatively affordable, so adding a bathroom can increase the overall cost of the boat.

Are There Pontoon Boats With Bathrooms?

Yes, there are a few pontoon boats that have bathrooms. These boats are typically larger and more expensive than standard pontoon boats. They may also have other features, such as a kitchenette or sleeping quarters.

Some of the most popular pontoon boats with bathrooms include the following:

Bennington Freedom 250 LX:

This boat has a full-size bathroom with a toilet, sink, and shower. It also has a kitchenette with a stove, sink, and refrigerator.

Sun Tracker LX 2400:

This boat has a small bathroom with a toilet and sink. It also has a kitchenette with a stove, sink, and refrigerator.

Grand Mariner 2500 LX:

This boat has a full-size bathroom with a toilet, sink, and shower. It also has a kitchenette with a stove, sink, and refrigerator.

Should You Buy a Pontoon Boat With a Bathroom?

Whether or not you should buy a pontoon boat with a bathroom depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you plan on taking long trips or overnight trips, a bathroom can be a convenient feature. However, if you are mainly using your pontoon boat for day trips or casual boating, a bathroom may not be necessary.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to buy a pontoon boat with a bathroom is a personal one. You should weigh the pros and cons of each option and decide what is best for you.

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FAQs: Does Pontoon Boats Have Bathrooms?

Do pontoon boats have bathrooms?

Short answer: No, pontoon boats do not have bathrooms.

Why don’t pontoon boats have bathrooms?

Short answer: Pontoon boats are typically small and don’t have the space for a bathroom. Additionally, bathrooms on boats can be difficult to maintain and clean.

Can I add a bathroom to my pontoon boat?

Short answer: Yes, it is possible to add a bathroom to a pontoon boat. However, this can be a costly and complex project.

What are the alternatives to having a bathroom on a pontoon boat?

Short answer: There are a few different ways to deal with the lack of a bathroom on a pontoon boat. You can use a portable toilet, go to the bathroom on shore, or use a bucket.

What are the pros and cons of having a bathroom on a pontoon boat?

Short answer: There are both pros and cons to having a bathroom on a pontoon boat. Some of the pros include convenience, privacy, and the ability to stay on the boat longer. Some of the cons include cost, complexity, and the potential for damage.

Zach Gilford Author

About The Author

Hey there! I'm Zach, an adventurous guy who enjoys being outside. In addition to having fun on the water, I also enjoy spending time with family and friends. This website is built to answer pontoon boat questions and get boaters out on the water enjoying their boats.

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