How Far Out Can A Pontoon Boat Go [Get Answer]

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Pontoon boats are capable of handling open water, but there are some factors to consider before venturing too far out.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the factors that affect a pontoon boat’s range, including the boat’s size, weight, and engine power. We’ll also provide tips for staying safe on open water.

So How Far Out Can A Pontoon Boat Go?

Pontoon boats are typically used for day trips and leisurely cruising on lakes and rivers. They are not designed for long-distance travel or offshore fishing. The maximum range of a pontoon boat will vary depending on the size, power, and fuel capacity of the boat. A small pontoon boat with a 25-horsepower motor and a 10-gallon fuel tank will have a range of about 20 miles. A larger pontoon boat with a 50-horsepower motor and a 25-gallon fuel tank will have a range of about 50 miles.

It is important to note that the maximum range of a pontoon boat is not the same as the recommended cruising range. The recommended cruising range is the distance that a boat can travel at a comfortable speed while still having enough fuel to return to its starting point. The recommended cruising range for a pontoon boat will vary depending on the size, power, and fuel efficiency of the boat.

How Far Out Can a Pontoon Boat Go?

The Factors That Affect a Pontoon Boat’s Range

There are a number of factors that affect how far a pontoon boat can go, including:

The boat’s size and weight:

Larger, heavier boats will have a shorter range than smaller, lighter boats. This is because they require more power to move through the water, and they also have a greater windage area, which makes them more susceptible to being blown off course.

The boat’s fuel capacity:

The amount of fuel a boat can carry will obviously limit its range. Pontoon boats typically have a fuel capacity of around 50 gallons, but some models can hold up to 100 gallons.

The boat’s engine power:

The more powerful the engine, the faster the boat will be able to travel, and the farther it will be able to go. Pontoon boats typically come with engines ranging from 25 horsepower to 50 horsepower, but some models can have engines as powerful as 100 horsepower.

The weather conditions:

The wind, waves, and current can all affect a boat’s range. A pontoon boat will be able to travel farther in calm water than it will in rough water.

The boat’s load:

The more people and gear a boat is carrying, the less fuel efficient it will be. This will also reduce its range.

How Far Can a Pontoon Boat Go on a Full Tank of Gas?

The average pontoon boat can travel around 100 miles on a full tank of gas. However, this range can vary significantly depending on the factors listed above.

For example, a small, light pontoon boat with a powerful engine and a full fuel tank could potentially travel over 200 miles on a single tank of gas. On the other hand, a large, heavy pontoon boat with a less powerful engine and a half-full fuel tank might only be able to travel 50 miles.

How Far Can a Pontoon Boat Go in Open Water?

Pontoon boats are not designed for long-distance travel in open water. They are typically used for day trips and weekend excursions on lakes and rivers. However, some pontoon boats are capable of traveling in open water for short distances.

The maximum distance that a pontoon boat can travel in open water will depend on its size, weight, engine power, and fuel capacity. It will also depend on the weather conditions.

In general, a pontoon boat should not be taken out in open water if there is a chance of rough seas. Rough seas can make it difficult to control the boat, and they can also damage the pontoons.


The maximum distance that a pontoon boat can go depends on a number of factors, including its size, weight, engine power, fuel capacity, the weather conditions, and the boat’s load. Pontoon boats are not designed for long-distance travel in open water, but they can be used for day trips and weekend excursions on lakes and rivers.

Also Must Read This: How Far Can A Pontoon Boat Go On A Tank Of Gas

FAQs on How Far Out Can a Pontoon Boat Go

How far out can a pontoon boat go?

A pontoon boat can typically go out to about 20 miles offshore. However, the specific range will vary depending on the boat’s size, weight, and construction.

What factors affect how far out a pontoon boat can go?

The following factors affect how far out a pontoon boat can go:

Boat size: The larger the boat, the more weight it can carry and the further it can go.

Boat weight: The heavier the boat, the more drag it creates and the less distance it can travel.

Boat construction: The type of construction used for the boat’s hull and deck will affect its weight and drag, which in turn affects its range.

Engine power: The more powerful the engine, the faster the boat can go and the further it can travel.

Weather conditions: The wind, waves, and current can all affect a boat’s range.

What are the risks of taking a pontoon boat out too far?

There are a number of risks associated with taking a pontoon boat out too far, including:

Waves: Large waves can capsize a pontoon boat, especially if it is overloaded.

Wind: Strong winds can push a pontoon boat off course or even capsize it.

Current: Strong currents can drag a pontoon boat away from its intended destination.

Navigation hazards: Pontoon boats are not designed for navigating in shallow water or around obstacles, so there is a risk of running aground or striking a submerged object.

What should I do if I get caught in a storm while on a pontoon boat?

If you get caught in a storm while on a pontoon boat, you should take the following steps:

Stay calm: Panicking will only make the situation worse.

Head for shore: If possible, head for the nearest safe harbor or beach.

Reduce speed: Slowing down will reduce your boat’s draft and make it more stable.

Secure your gear: Secure any loose gear on the boat to prevent it from becoming a hazard.

Put on your life jackets: Everyone on board should wear a life jacket, even if you are not in the water.

How can I extend the range of my pontoon boat?

There are a few things you can do to extend the range of your pontoon boat:

Reduce weight: The lighter your boat, the further it can go. Remove any unnecessary weight from the boat, such as gear that you don’t need.

Upgrade your engine: A more powerful engine will allow you to go faster and travel further.

Use a trailer: If you have a trailer, you can tow your pontoon boat to a location that is closer to your destination.

Plan your trip carefully: Before you set out, make sure you know the weather conditions and the expected range of your boat.

Zach Gilford Author

About The Author

Hey there! I'm Zach, an adventurous guy who enjoys being outside. In addition to having fun on the water, I also enjoy spending time with family and friends. This website is built to answer pontoon boat questions and get boaters out on the water enjoying their boats.

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